How we do it......
- To achieve exceptional results, exploiting the full potential of our digital capture system, we use specially selected 'razor- sharp' apochromatically correct lenses of the highest quality.
- The camera and lens system is perfectly aligned using a precision optical measuring instrument. Computer aided focussing is carried out to an accuracy of ± 2mm.
- Profiles are made, and the resultant image are fully colour managed in an 'ICC' compliant workflow. This then ensures predictable colour to our clients and on beyond.
- Excellent lighting quality and control is critical to achieving outstanding results; so Artisan use purpose built HID lighting equipment for the following reasons:
- The lighting is accurately controlled, with no 'fall-off' or 'hot' spots, which which would cause colour and tonal inaccuracies.
- Negligible heating of the subjects being photographed due to the extremely low levels of infrared, and negligible ultra-violet emissions; so your vulnerable originals are safe.
- The complete elimination of surface glare, using polarisation techniques where appropriate, for maximum information.
- Exceptional colour fidelity and gamut, due to the high colour index bulbs; fully complementing the camera's response.
Aligning the camera
Click to see some examples of digital capture
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